Veruca Salt, Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory. This is a girl who knows what she wants.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Double Happiness for Dim Sum? Not sure I would call our experience Double Happiness!

I have been wanting to try the Dim Sum at this restaurant for quite a while but they only have it on Sunday. I kept forgetting or wasn't home on Sunday's so I was so happy today when I remembered.
Of course Jared didn't want to go out, he would rather stay home than go out to eat. This is the exact opposite of Jordan. He was with friends so I called him up and was disappointed that he was all ready at Quizno's just finishing up lunch. Lucky for me he is still hungry. He is happy to be going out to lunch again, but pretty wary when I tell him we are going for Dim Sum.

First thing he does when we pull up is proclaim it "sketchy".
"Don't judge something by it's outside appearance." I say "This is going to be an adventure".
Next clue should have been the amount of people in the restaraunt. Including us, that would be four. Another family of five came in while we were eating but the whole restaraunt was pretty empty.
A very nice lady brought us menu's, but didn't bring the Dim Sum one. She clearly doesn't speak English, but luckily the Dim Sum menu that she brings back had pictures and corresponding letters for ease when ordering.
This, according to Jordan, is not appealing and another clue. No pictures of your food on the menu please!
The Dim Sum menu had the pictures of each plate on the front, and a hand written description of each plate on a piece of paper that was taped on the back.This too was a clue. Jordan was surprised that it was hand written. It has been so long since he has seen writing on paper, instead of computer generated, that he is wary of this also.
Now I am not trying to be mean here, but after the nice server lady left, Jordan said "Mole".I had no idea what he was talking about and he was shocked that I hadn't noticed the huge mole on her eyebrow. The thing about things like this are, they are so easy to remove these day's that I am always surprised to see them. It really was quite large, but not really a clue to the horrible meal we were about to have.
Regardless, I decide on the plates we will eat. We want plates "A, C, H and I". Not sure why, but something was wrong with plate "I" and she put us down for plate "B". (It must be so frustrating for someone to have to come to work everyday and not be able to speak the language of your customers. I have no idea what she was trying to tell us about plate "I" but whatever. Give us "B"and we will try it.)

There was pretty much nothing good about the ensuing plates that she brought us. The pot sticker plate made me gag. We could both stomach the steamed buns, but it's hard to go wrong with BBQ pork in dough.The mystery plate "B" was some sweet chewy bun with sesame seeds on it that might have been ok for dessert but pretty bad for our lunch.
We got a good laugh when the couple behind us inquired about MSG and if they used it. The non-english speaking server had no idea what she was asking about and their conversation made us crack up. Still not sure if they use MSG, but it doesn't really matter.
Dim Sum at Double Happiness made me double sick and we won't be going back. MSG or not.


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