Veruca Salt, Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory. This is a girl who knows what she wants.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Do you Sudoku?

Ok, I have a new obsession. I'm talking about the number puzzle called Sudoku. It all started out innocent. I wanted something to challenge my brain because I have a theory about crossword puzzles. I know Sudoku isn't a crossword, but read on.
My grandma is 93 and still pretty sharp mentally. She has done crossword puzzles forever and it is my opinion that one reason she is still mentally pretty much there is because of her daily "brain" work. The logic following this would be for me to start crossword puzzles too. Well, to put it honestly, I just can't do them. I would definately have to start out with baby one's and I just don't like them that much. It's kind of like me and knitting. I would really like to be able to knit and say that I'm a knitter, but I just didn't like it so...............
Anyway, over Christmas we started doing Sudoku's. At first I didn't think that I "thought" that way. You know, in the math way! But then my mom walked me through some of the "easy" one's. Of course it was easy when you have someone saying "we can figure out the 9 in this row", but I did get a few of my own. My uncles wife told me about where she gets her daily sudoku so I went there and printed off some "easy" one's.
With some "easy" success's under my belt, I moved on to "medium".
I started taking them with me when I went to appointments or to pick up the kids so I would have something to do while I waited. I am doing them on the couch while the boys watch football. And in the morning I have added them to my routine after I read the paper with my cup of tea.
Unfortunately, I may have had a little to much early success and it may have gone to my head. I have now moved up to the "hard" level. I am just not sure if I was really ready for it. I got stuck on one over the weekend and turned it over to my mom when I saw her. I tried it a couple more times but finally gave up. We briefly wondered if it was flawed, but a quick check on the computer told us it was user error! My mom finally finished it after I left, but I have moved on. No use killing myself over one sudoku.
I have since printed off a few "medium" and a few "hard" level one's and had success at each. I keep reading about this new puzzle game and how addicting it is to others, so I guess I'm not that worried about this new obsession. I mean it could be worse right? I could be doing............? Too many to mention, plus I need to go finish the one I'm working on.


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