Dr. Corso, what is that horrible rash on my face?
As some of you know, I had a mysterious rash appear on my face a week before I was leaving for a tropical vacation to Puerto Rico. Could it happen at a worse time? Could it be any uglier?
This called for an urgent visit to the doctor.
I was thinking that I didn't really care what it was, just that I didn't want it on my face anymore. Especially because it seemed to be creeping up towards my eyes! (It started on my lips and progressed to my mouth and neck!)
Any way, I didn't really care what it was until both doctors that I saw for it didn't know what it was or how I got it! Both thought they could get rid of it but they probably couldn't tell me how I got it.
Of course as soon as I heard this, I was crazy trying to come up with what I had come in contact with.
Could it be my sheets, my cat, dog, clothes, what????????????????????
"Who knows, but take this Prednisone and it will go away" says the doctor. Turns out Prednisone is the wonder drug cure all. It worked and the rash went away before my trip. Thankfully!
To a doctor this type of thing probably happens a lot. Not sure of the cause, but we can fix it type of thing. To a patient, this is not normal.
I wanted my rash all tied up in a little box with a bow. You know, "You touched Poison Oak and now you have a rash.". Or "You tried a new make-up and you are allergic." Problem solved. But no, I was left wondering what it was that I had come in contact with and wondering if it was going to happen again.
And then I talked to my friend Dr. John Corso. He is not one of the two doctors that I went to originally for my "condition" because he is not my doctor. I was tempted to run by his house and question him, but I imagine that happens a lot to doctors and it must get pretty tiring, frustrating and sometimes weird. But, I happen to be at his house for dinner tonight, I just couldn't help myself. I had to ask.
"Any ideas of plants or something that could have caused this?"
"Not really" he said, "could be anything, blah, blah, blah.". As an after thought, he said "somtimes people get reactions from mangos.".
What he was just throwing out there, I latched on to like glue.
It was the best idea I had heard since I got the rash because I had had mango's and that was pretty much out of the norm for me. Now I can rest!!!!!!!!
The truth is, who know's if it was mango's. John patiently explained chaos not cause and effect were pretty much in charge here and just because I might have had a reaction to something one time, doesn't mean it will happen again. I love that idea because it makes sense even if it isn't neat and tidy.
The best part though is that I don't have to give up mango's, and I can stop wondering, "What is this horrible rash on my face?" Because now I know, even if I really don't!
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